Cathleena’s 15-week course, Embodiment of Universal Consciousness, is unlike any other class I have ever experienced. This course is a transformative, magical, one-of-a kind journey into expanded states of consciousness, new timelines, and profound inner growth. I felt blessed to be in a community of like-hearted souls who supported me in getting to know myself at the deepest level of my being.
Cathleena is a masterful and loving guide who holds a space of true presence and unconditional acceptance for each participant to step in and fully embody their own unique light. If you long to see beyond the veil, to know yourself as the creator of worlds, and to live authentically as your multidimensional self, then this is the course for you.

Leah Ramos
Through this mentoring program, we will re-establish within your physical structure the organic geometric structures that will create a greater ease of present moment experience and emotional ranges in a more positive sense. All this will allow you to finally be the true creator of your own reality.
Learn moreYour unique soul signature as it calibrates to all things, as an individual experience, will create a ripple effect through the quantum field of existence. This will create more of itself or the calibrating of frequencies as and toward the authenticity of the law of one.
In other words, as you recognize all of the coming together of your geometry as frequency to be inner stood by you, you will recognize how to use it in synergy as a calibrator to all other frequencies and, through this, recognize how your unique signature is affecting all things.
Learn more
If you have ever felt there was more to you being here than your current 3-D reality and that there is a greater purpose to your life, 1:1 mentoring with Cathleena may be right for you.
Let us journey together, unfolding your greatest potential for this life.
* It is suggested to take Soul Alchemy Lightseed Blueprint parts 1 and 2 prior to 1:1 mentoring, but not required.
* The mentoring will be catered to the individual needs.
* The amount of time and service provided will be different for each individual and will be discussed in the discovery session.
Book your session below.
Meet your Guide

Cathleena Hailley
Frequency Adjuster
Through my personal awareness and discovering my own blueprint, I realized that I carry the knowledge of all frequencies and their communication to each other.
This means that I am aware of how others communicate with each other and the information that is exchanged on an energetic level.