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Traveling through the Dimensional Fields

via the Mind Matrix at Zero Point

Each week we will be deeply reconnecting with the elements as a creator being at each dimensional field to remember true alchemy, what we used to know.


The creating from these elements and with or in unison with these elements.

Our bodies are these elements.

Through the balancing of dimensional fields we will remember to our DNA, ourselves, the alchemy of the dimensional fields use so to speak of the elements to create structure.

This is how we create. How things like the pyramids were created, also how medical, science, education, business, and commerce were originally understood and created within a society structure.

This is how we will move toward truly creating a new earth, that functions in harmony and unity.

Your body will begin to authentically move as the rhythm of these elements with Gaia and all there is once again. This is true law of one in motion.

I will take you into a meditative state to enter the dimensional field for that week. As we enter the field, I will be guiding you through aspects of self-awareness to open to the energetic experience that carries the highest frequency awareness for your individual soul's blueprint.

Each week, we will be opening to greater awareness of who you are and why you are here. The experience will be individual to each participant.

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"I have been on a spiritual journey for over 25 years and picking up pieces of information from different spiritual texts and meditating but I was missing the key to unlock my sovereign power to step into my authenticity. 

I really didn’t really know what to do next. And this is when I discovered Cathleena and her work and her teachings. I watched all her videos and have done various courses that resonated. The Traveling Through Dimensional Fields via the Mind Matrix (Authentic Series) has been very powerful for me to provide me the awareness and set intentions to move into mastery. 

Cathleena is so understanding and empathetic and has been on the journey ahead of us all. Before doing this work I was distressed and trying to find the truth of who I am whilst disconnecting myself from the false matrix and just feeling lost and not being able to let go. Work life situations kept perpetuating the same patterns and its was challenging times. 

This series has given me what I needed to progress my spiritual journey. All one has to do is show up. Cathleena makes it simple. There is work in letting go but there are results. With the clarity, intention and awareness she brings to the series all one has to do is participate. It’s literally a moving into mastery: peeling back the layers with her activations, shifting and clearing energetics within the body, all on multidimensional levels - It feels like meeting myself for the first time.  

The Awareness for where I am and have been holding myself back for stepping into authenticity is a break through. This means I can trust the universe and choices that I make on a daily basis. This leads me to be in flow, and when left of field events happen I can stay in divine alignment and stay open. I can’t wait to co create with the universe free of the false matrix."

Brigitte White

This collection will be a total of 9 courses.  

Each course is offered in a specific order to facilitate a greater connection with who you really are.  It is suggested to listen to them in the order they are presented here but not required. 

 Each course contains 12 1-hour weekly sessions.

  Week 1:  1st - 2nd Dimensional fields and between

  Week 2: 2nd - 3rd Dimensional fields and between

  Week 3: 3rd - 4th Dimensional fields and between

  Week 4: 4th - 5th Dimensional fields and between

  Week 5: 5th - 6th Dimensional fields and between

  Week 6: 6th - 7th Dimensional fields and between

  Week 7: 7th - 8th Dimensional fields and between

  Week 8: 8th - 9th Dimensional fields and between

  Week 9: 9th - 10th Dimensional fields and between

  Week 10: 10th - 11th Dimensional fields and between

  Week 11: 11th - 12th Dimensional fields and between

  Week 12: 12th Dimensional field and beyond 

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Knowing Authentic Power

Pleasure & Joy

A 12-Class Series


Buy Series 1 - $333

Knowing Authentic Vulnerability


A 12-Class Series

Buy Series 2 - $333

Knowing Authentic Discernment

Knowledge ~ Wisdom

A 12-Class Series

Registration is Open: Begins January 7th, 2025

Buy Series 3 - $333

Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine who works with the council of 9 collective and in particular with Jesus, Metatron, and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint.

Cathleena uses all of her business knowledge and experience with sacred geometry to align with her resetting the crystalline DNA.

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