the Matrix

the Law of One



Exiting the Matrix

the Law of One



the Matrix

the Law of One



the Matrix

the Law of One



The information and activations on this website are here to help you access your multi-dimensional self and higher conscious awareness. 

To access our multi-dimensional self and higher conscious awareness, we need to have our consciousness (soul essence) in the heart space or at zero point. 

In order to stay in the heart space in a human form, we need to have a deeply rooted connection to Mother Earth or Gaia. 

The way in which these classes have been organized on this website creates a progression for this process of deeply routing and connecting to Sophia Gaia, Mother Earth. 

As we deeply root into Sophia Gaia we will begin to have a greater awareness as to our frequency, as the physical body and which dimensional field we are vibrating with and as. 

The human journey is one of clearing denser frequencies, recognizing the differences of the dimensional fields of existence, and creating and experiencing from our heart space or the zero point place of no-thing and all possibilities. 

This website and the activations are created for the progression of returning to the zero point with grace and ease.

Deep Connection to Earth

Authentic Self-Expression

Healing and Wholeness

Empowerment and Enlightenment

View Earth Connection Courses

Accessing Source Wisdom

Unlocking the Physical Brain's Potential

Zero Point Transformation

Restoring Pure Experience

View Source Connection Courses


Connecting to Gaia, your Multi-Dimensional Self
n Higher Consciousness Awareness


These courses are perfect for beginners embarking on the journey of what it means to be a multi-dimensional being.

This is the foundational space for acquiring fundamental insights and inner standing.

View Introductory Courses

I was first introduced to Cathleena through various interviews. I found her to be very insightful, accurate, and interesting. I signed up for a couple of her courses and was always pleased with the information and results.

I found that she was able to dig deeper in certain areas and help me to clear old issues in a way that others had not. I have now had two private sessions with her and they are beyond wonderful!

I feel she really touched on some core issues and assisted me in moving and clearing some things. Of course there is always more work to be done, but I feel she is a fantastic ally and resource.

-Marty Wetherill




 I am here as a guide and mentor for your awakening to the 5th Density reality and beyond. We are way more than we have ever been told. We are amazing creator beings. My intention is to bring information, connection, and love to provide a safe space to step into the most amazing YOU.

I am very 🙏 grateful to the Divine for giving me an opportunity to work with Cathleena. She is an amazing healer! I was drawn to her as she spoke about energy, frequency, vibration, and patterns. During my private session with Cathleena, she opened my eyes to that part of me that I had buried for 31 years. Cathleena told me to listen to the session recording for 45 days, and every time I listen to the recording something new comes to my awareness. I have started to heal that part of me. I am so grateful!
Thank you, Cathleena 🙏🙏🙏
I feel blessed! 🙌


Through my personal awareness and discovering my own blueprint, I realized that I carry the knowledge of all frequencies and their communication with each other. 

This means that I am aware of how others communicate with each other and the information that is exchanged on an energetic level.

The energetic exchange is unique to each person.

This uniqueness is known as your personal soul signature, and how you choose to apply that information to humanity and your life is known as your personal blueprint.


What this means is that you naturally are unique, and you do have a unique plan for this lifetime. This plan includes joy, excitement, curiosity, and fun.


My desire is to help you awaken all that you are so that you will not only be of service to humanity but will do it with joy, abundance, and fun so that it is fulfilling, wonderful, and full of love.

We are love. We are light. We are Source.

Kelly Dipucchio


When I found out Cathleena was going to be in my hometown for a lecture, I immediately felt a strong nudge (push, shove!) to book a private session with her. At the time, I didn’t know a lot about Cathleena’s work but I was inexplicably drawn to her. I am so grateful I followed that inner wisdom to connect with her! I can honestly say that I left my session with Cathleena not FEELING like a new person – I WAS a new person. In the days that followed my clearing and reset, I felt surges of euphoria that I have never experienced before. The energy was palpable and electric. I have since come to realize my frequency did, in fact, change and my body was adjusting to the new energy. The feeling was profoundly liberating. I have met with many different practitioners over the years but my session with Cathleena was extraordinary. I’m so happy I purchased a Frequency Adjuster of my own so I can continue to attune and balance my energy moving forward. Thank you, Cathleena for sharing your tremendous love and light with others!

Bar-che Dorje

Buddhist Teacher
at Nyingma Aro gTér

Hello to everybody who has the great fortune to meet Cathleena. I came down from Bhutan with extreme pain in my knees. I went to the doctor when I came back and they took an MRI-scan of my knees. They found a tumor in my knee. they knew the kind of tumor and said it had to be operated as soon as possible. They send the pictures to the hospital and they would contact me. In the mean time I had a session with Cathleena. She guided me in a state where we cut loose the tumor and made it in smaller pieces so it could be integrated by the body. It all felt very good and tingling. A week later the surgeon and his specialist team phoned me and told me that they cold not find the tumor any more. And that an operation was not needed. But… what I liked the most about Cathleena is how she embraces you into her heart energy. You feel so cared for. She easy taps into your energy fields and really connects with you. I felt so connected and cared for and somehow all by doubt melted away. I sincerely hope that many people may benefit from her extra ordinary gift and her warm personality. I feel extremely blessed to know her. Thank you very much dearest Cathleena.

Brittnay Johnson

Distant Energy Session

I must share and post. “We all have the correct crystals, tools, and all that we desire to help us express ourselves into the world.” This is what I thought.

I said this over and over. I recently was called to purchase a Frequency Adjuster, and then a 1-1 session, and all I can say is “total and complete fine-tuning” of the soul and expression. Amazing. Supportive and DIVINE. Amen-mazing

I’m smiling typing this. It’s been a leap, a jump, and supportive. Buy the adjuster and book a session. You won’t regret it.


I'm Cathleena.

Read my story  ➝ 

We as human souls have been existing on a planet where there have been many distortions within our carbon DNA structure that have caused us to misalign to frequencies and energies that are not allowing us to have the life we desire and the true, authentic experience of emotions.  

On my spiritual journey, there are only a few humans that I have experienced and known that have the level of multidimensional awareness that Cathleena possesses in relationship to frequencies. During group energy work she can zoom in on and discern the most minute frequencies that are playing out within the individuals as well as in the collective of the group. She is masterful at matching the frequencies required to alchemize and integrate deep healing work both in the micro of humanity as well as the macro of Gaia. ​

However, what allows Cathleena to stand out in my heart as a true Master healer of humanity and Ambassador of Gaia is that she shows up authentically everyday holding the mirror up and diving deep into her own shadows, while coming out on the other side embodying more of her true God Self. It’s an honor to be on this Earth journey together as a friend and fellow Light Colleague. ​ ​

-Brooklin Rayne

Align your Soul's Essence

3-Part Soul Alchemy-Lightseed
Blueprint Activation 


Group Activation Courses


1:1 Coaching


Cathleena's assistance has been truly life changing for me. She has a capacity to feel and articulate the most subtle energies and patterns within my field. Her mastery of verbalizing these while remaining in zero point neutrality allowed me to receive it from a place of clarity and compassion for myself. Her embodiment of authentic Divine Mother energies and frequencies have been a balm to my soul and spirit assisting me to alchemize and overcome years of recreating patterns of abuse. I feel softer, more present and compassionate with myself and others, awakening to the truth of who I Am.

-Catherine Auger

Join us LIVE on YouTube

I have been taking classes and sessions and a retreat in the last couple of years with Cathleena. She is a profound and powerful activator who puts her heart and soul into working with the council of nine. She has helped me look at things I did not want to look at through her kind and authentic way of being. I find Cathleena is very grounded and that has helped me to stay with the process while she nudges me to expand my consciousness and horizons.I feel happier with myself and calmer than before.

The uncovering can be hard work at times but is sooo worth it and useful in living an authentic life. Cathleena challenges me to step up and step into myself with the activations to support the process while being patient with whatever comes up.I feel more connected to my creator since being with Cathleena. l am very appreciative of how she has taught me to stay out of the story and live from my heart. Cathleena is a true teacher and I am very grateful for her in my life.

I highly recommend classes or a private session with her if you're interested in spiritual growth. If you're lucky enough to go to a retreat with her, you will have fun!!

-Joanne Darrach

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